Tuesday, April 21, 2009

News About Surgery

Ok, so I'm going to try this blog thing again. Hopefully at least one person other than myself will find it entertaining, but if I'm the only one laughing at my jokes, well let's just say it wouldn't be the first time! And since Kyle's poor memory seems o be contagious maybe this will help me when I'm old and grey to pretend like I remember something about raising our kids.

We are 8weeks and 1 day into our lives as a family of seven and wow has it been an emotional roller coaster. Right now I am too tired to be witty, but I hope that if you keep reading this that in the coming weeks and months I might be able to produce brief but impressive flashes of wittiness for your enjoyment.

When last I wrote a mass email V's weight gain had picked up and things were looking good. Since then her weight has been all over the map (4 oz over 10 days, 6 oz in a week) with last weeks gain being a very disappointing 1.5 oz. We also met with her cardiologist last week who informed us that her heart condition has progressed more quickly than they had expected and her surgery needs to be moved up. She is now scheduled for open heart surgery on May 14th at 8:00 am. I'm a wreck. Even more than usual. So please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we get closer to her big day. We're trying to focus on the aftermath right now, with great hope that once the surgery is done she will grow more quickly and have more energy for interacting with us. She was the more active baby while in utero, so it will be interesting to see how fixing her heart affects her personality.

That's all for tonight, I need to get some sleep. Check back for more updates on all of the girls. In a house with this many women there is bound to be drama!

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for Vivian. And I was be praying for you for strength too. And I will be praying for the wisdom of the doctors who will be operating on Vivian. If you ever need to talk just call me. I might not have anything funny or witty to say, but I will listen.
    Love you! Give all 5 girls hugs and kisses. And make sure to give a big wet one for Darby from Finn. He still talks about her ALL the time.

    Hugs Amy!
