Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Good news- she's growing!

Just a quick update after our visit with the Nurse Practitioner today. We weighed Vivian as soon as we got there and were very happy to see that she is up to 8# 13 oz.! Good news for the little peanut as it means she is no longer falling off her growth curve, but has popped back up to about the 10th percentile. She watched her eat, too, and was happy with how she is getting the milk into her body (she paces herself well so she doesn't get out of breath, has good coordination regarding her suck/swallow pattern) so it seems that her slow weight gain was probably a result of her body using the calories faster than it could take them in. She'll keep getting the bottles for now, and we're going to keep doing weekly weight checks to be sure, but my fingers are crossed that this is one issue that we can mark as resolved. I am also hoping to be able to go back to exclusively breastfeeding after her surgery when she should stop burning through calories so quickly. Lucky for her (and me!) having Elizabeth continue to nurse while Vivian gets a little help should make it easier to go back than if she were a single baby.


  1. That's awesome Amy!! And kudos to you for nursing. :) Much love to you, I think about your family all the time.

  2. Thanks, Joy. We miss you guys! I keep thinking we should meet in Decorah, just don't know if we're brave enough to camp yet ;)

  3. That's great news Amy! Looks like you had twins to so her sister could help keep things on track while she's getting stronger and preparing for surgery.

    I will be thinking of you guys next week as you prepare for surgery. It must almost be good that you have 4 other munchkins to keep you busy so you don't freak too much :)

    I'll be anxious for a post once you know how the surgery went and all of the mean time, praying lots and lots :)

    Love you!
