Ok, so maybe acting like a tyrannical nutcase isn't the best way to deal with my children. I'm willing to admit that. But when your instinctual reaction to stress is to scream and holler and jump up and down... Well, at least they're learning some life skills. Maybe if my own mom hadn't been so damn rational and in control of herself I'd have better coping mechanisms myself. Like my kids. They're not going to escape childhood without learning how to deal with a raving lunatic. So really I'm doing them a favor.
Yep. I can rationalize ANYTHING.
This is all fine and dandy, but it doesn't even come close to answering the question, "How do kids learn to take care of their stuff?" And if you say it's by example, then how many years of example do they need to witness? Because Kyle and I do take care of our things. You won't see us sitting on an obviously too small and fragile stool that we have been repeatedly asked not to sit on (this one wasn't actually theirs, it was at a friend's house). Come to think of it, maybe breaking stuff is the answer. Maybe breaking things is the only way to learn what fragile looks and feels like. Hmmmmmm. I wonder...
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