Well, it didn't take long to have a laugh or go crazy moment today. I got the older two off to preschool and came home to take a blissfully quiet shower with only 1 other person to hog the water - Darby, my 17 month old. Just as I leaned back to rinse the shampoo out of my hair I smelled it. The unmistakable odor of bodily functions. My eyes flew open just in time to see it float past her leg in the ankle deep water (I had plugged the tub to increase her splashing capability). In my calmest voice possible at that moment I yelled "Darby did you poop?" to which she replied "Yeeeeeeees" in the deepest voice I have ever heard from her. And before my eyes there was more. In an instant we were both standing soapy and dripping on the bathroom rug staring at each other. Her, wondering what all that fuss was about and me, wondering how the heck I was going to get the tub emptied and sterilized with shampoo dripping in my eyes.
The funniest part was my attempt to make it a teaching moment. "Darby you can't poop in the tub." and her answer? "Why?", of course.
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