Wednesday, September 23, 2009

7 months!

I thought that I should at least post a couple pictures of Vivi and Lizzi since it IS their birthday today. And I still do not have a baby book for either of them. I keep telling myself that it is because we are now digital people and I will put together a photobook for each of them that will include only pertinent information and (this is the really genius part) it won't have any blank spaces to make me feel bad for not filling in such important information as "Who watched the first time you rode a carousel". However, this plan will only work if I actually get going and do it and so far, well, the guilt's still here. But I digress, these are pictures from today, September 23, 2009, and they pretty much capture what they're like right now.

Elizabeth, in the top two photos, has her tongue out all the time now. She has 2 teeth coming in now so we're hoping that accounts for the weird tongue behavior. Or that at a minimum she will stop by the time she gets to high school. She is crawling all over now and, if not closely supervised, will head off on little expeditions to see what goodies she can find on the floor. Lucky for her the older girls like to leave treasures lying all over the house so she can always count on something new and interesting to shove in her mouth. And if all else fails she likes to pick up clumps of dog hair (yes, I'm admitting we have them floating freely about) and try to eat them. She's a smart one, that Lizzie :)

And Vivian, in the bottom two photos, has really started to fill out. Her cheeks are getting chubby and she is developing little fat rolls on her thighs etc- yea! Please try to look past the spit up draining out of her nose in the top photo. I was trying to capture her newest trick- mini push-ups! She just started doing them within the last couple of days and it is a major improvement. Before whenever she was on her belly she would put her arms behind her and lift her legs off the ground so that she looked like she was flying. She still does that plenty, but at least now we know it's not permanent ;)

1 comment:

  1. Vivian looks a lot like Anna, I think. Yay babies...they're so beautiful, all 7 months old already!

    Hope you all are well. Love you!!!

    Ern, Kurty and Clayton
