Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tomorrow's The Big Day!

ok, I'm way too scattetered right now for much, but here's what's up.

Vivian has Tetrology of Fallot and the repair is tomorrow at 8 am. We will be leaving Northfield at about 5:30 to get her there at 6:30, then surgery at 8. It should take about 4 hours and then 7-10 days in the hospital. We're going to spend the first night with her and then probably commute for a few days depending on when she is awake and able to breastfeed again. As soon as she is able to feed normally I'll be staying at the hospital and Elizabeth will stay with me.

Thanks so much to everyone who has already written/called to say they are thinking of us! I'm kind of a hormonal mess anyway, but all your kind words have touched me so much that I am teary several times a day. (the funny part is that I keep rereading the messages and crying all over again! I'm loony, I know!) Anyhoo, keep up the good vibes for a little while longer and I will try to keep you updated as often as time allows.

1 comment:

  1. you're not loony, those tears are good my friend. You are going back to those messages to keep your feelings of support and its-gonna-be-okay-ness strong and dominating, I've been there. We will all be thinking of you lots and lots tomorrow and the days to come. We love you Amy and all your little family too! :D Erin
